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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
is it late to blog about last weekend?hmm...i don't think so.nothing to blog today so blog about last saturday and sunday.
last saturday,13 august 2005 after tuition,uncle louis drove me back home.and it was only when i reached at my block fownstairs then i found out that i had forgooten to bring my keys out! and my sister was out watching movie and noone is at home!then i get off the car and called my mother,she said she will tell ming you,a guy from china who is one year older than me and is a helper at my mother's shop to go my block downstairs and pass it to me....then while waiting,i informed madeline about that cause we are going out to kbox cineleisure to see sweety and tong en.then after that ming you came and passed to him,i thanked him and after that he left and i hurried up to my house to prepare things . at about 2.15pm,left my house so as to meet madeline at 2.30pm at khatib mrt.when she reached,it was already about 2.40pm.so no time to walk around orchard.we went to heeren first to by sweety's album.then after that walked to cineleisure.then went to kbox to ask arounf first then went to yoshinoya to have our lunch.we were so hungry at that time...cause it is already going to 4....then eat finish still left about 10 minutes before we need to be at kbox.we took neoprints and walked a little.then went to kbox. at 5pm,the concert? started .then sweety came out first and sang a few songs,i can remember only two songs that they sang,'cai hong yan lei' which i got video record in my phone and 'jie mei bang'.then after that when yanyan(one of sweety) came and walk around,madeline took a very close view of her!it is really so damn close.like the distance when we stand up and talked...something like that..then later tong en came out,and they had something like a quiz,then ask questions,then yanyan like so 'sad'when the dj ask a girl when is her birthday and the girl doesn't know.so funny.then she sang one song....but not from her album .then the quiz ended.sweety left the stage and tong en sang a few songs. after the concert ended,we first went to buy famous amos cookies then left for plaza singapura to buy materials for literature.after that,we went home.it was really nice to see singers so upclose.if it is only f4 not sweety...haiz...but nvm,sweety also quite nice. last sunday,14 august 2005 nothing much at first.only n the evening.my mother.me and my sister went out to ave dinner with yun long shi fu and wei hua shi fu at sin ming.then after that we went to toa payoh central,to just but rotiboy,but after that,yun long shi fu bought for my sister birthday present as he couldn't go on her birthday present.then he also bought for me early birthday present,cause he say he scared on that month,he very busy or forgot about it.he bought for me cyndi's new album and mi xue*wei qi 's new album,KISSY .then after that wei hua shi fu also bought for my sister a smalll cake.... hmm...i think nothing else to blog already.shalll stop blogging from here then.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
yesterday's national day.
it was national day yesterday...and i a going to write about it in this post. went to eat dim sum at yan palace for BREUNCH.(breakfast and lunch) met auntie jasmine,uncle joojin and his mother at yan palace.then at about 1pm,we left yan palace and head for orchard with my mother,auntie connie,auntie jasmine and my sis. my father drove and dropped us at ngee ann city.then we shopped at ngee ann city,ate ice-cream and bought a top at fox.auntie connie also bought for us grapes ,air flown from japan and chocolates,auntie jasmine bought for us titbits and she treat us ice-cream. after that we went to wisma atria.it was about 3 plus already.and had high tea .i ate tiramisu and drank ice-cappuchino.auntie jasmine and auntie connie ordered espresso,my mother drank mocha.and my sister drank iced chocolate and ate strawberry cheesecake.then continued to shop for a while at wisma atria.and i showed a example of a handbag that i want to auntie jasmine at surf babe,as auntie jasmine will be going to hong kong next week,and she will be buying things for me..haha.. next shopped at paragon,and went in to a gucci shop.the watches there are nice.nut the bags seemed tooo mature for me and it is also expensive.then also went to metro at paragon... last stop,tangs ,before we left orchard.then we saw a guy supposed to be like a statue.i was scared by i at first.i thought that it was a dead person cause it is like in red and lying half in a box.then it suddenly talked ,like so scary.alright.so shopped a little at angs then went back home. reached home at about 5 plus.going to 6;then watced ndp on tv.then auntie jasmie and my mother and auntie connie played mahjong.when it was going to be about 7 pm,madeline asked whether want to go to yishun outsied northpoint.and i went there and met her at the interchange.when waiting for her,i saw her friend,eileen. when she reached we went to the open field and madeline complained alot.cause we were walking over the grass.then after that we left the field and went to burger king to meet ryan.she last minute told me that ryan also coming so OK....hmmm..then met ryan already,he led us to a flat.6th floor to watch the fireworks later on.then when we waiting for the fireworks.i heard wei shen's voice and then saw him.he said that he saw us outside his house..SUCH A COINCIDENCE!too bad,ying shi not with us and if not she will standing next to him.. NOT ME!cause he was standing next to me...(ying shi!sorry!!!!don't be angry...) hmmm...then we watched the fireworks.it was nice ...and i video recorded it...then before the next fireworks,madeline asked wei shen whether got any drinks cause we very thirsty thenhe went back his house and gave us sprite...haha.ten we continue watching the next fireworks lor.watch finish already,we went to the field,AGAIN.but now with ryan...and i STEPPED ON MUD!!!!!!!EWWWW!!!!and madeline helped me ask people for tissue paper.thanx madeline! then we stand at the field for while,cause madeline was talking on the phone.then after that we left....i walked back to the mrt and they walked home.and wheni was was on the way walking out of the stupid muddy and wet field,GUESS WHAT?! I STEPPED ON MUD AGAIN!!!!!!! that is the 2nd time!!!!!!alright,then i went to gv and bought tissue paper.and then went to northpoint's toilet to clean up...it was like so disgusting! cleaning up my feet!with mud!!!!! alright,then saw jian hui and karen when i left the toilet,though my feet is not that clean finished...then went back home after that. reached home, called madeline to tell her that i have reached home and found out that she haven't reach home yet. right,i got to stop from her now...need to do my english composition.i almost forget about it until madeline asked me about it.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
s nOo PY
i wonder what is wrong with me today.Today in the morning at schoo,l kept on saying people 's n oo Py' WHICH MEANS STUPID...and then ater that after school as ended my mood changed... well,shan't type it out about my mood thingy first..write about today's national day celebration in school.it was BORING! except for before the parade,jing hang,kam chuen and wei shen keep on disturbing aloysius who was supposed to parade.nothing much about school la.just plain bored THEN after school,i and madeline went to northpoint to eat.went to swensen and ate fries andice-cream..when we ate a little,i saw jing hang,wei shen,allen,lin xiang,and ivan outsied then madleine went ot to call them.only jing hang and wei shen came in after that then they ate our fries and weishen played with madeline's phone.eat finish ,settled the bill nd jing hang paid 30cents!haha....the bill was actually $20.35. went to time zone nplayed for a while with wei shen and jing hang cause wei shen pay...haha! thank you wei shen! played finish then we left and i went to khatib to meet mavis,yu jia.yuan ling then met adeline and ying shi at woodlands mrt.THEN watch movie.charlie and the chocolate factory.it is quite nice.especially willy wonka the character.but then i didn't really laugh cause i was not in a very good mood as in sad. watched finsh then went back home.now,i type just now saying i not in good mood.mainly because of ndp parade at padang tomorrow...an other reasons also... also found out that guys that i know are behaving weirdly nowadays.i dunno,maybe to me only.like for example.chun sean during the time when my group were having the treasure hunt thingy and another guy,my ex-classmate .... AND ALSO ....IT IS KATHLEEN'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!and it is also one of my art rock cafe's seniors birthday.KE LIN! well,it is singapore's birthday tomorrow.and my sister's and FLUFFY'S!!!!!i have already bought for him his birthday present........ hmm....just feel so depressed and disappointed.but i feel better now.thanks to my ex-class mate, jian hui for chatting with me and my food!cause i ate lots of food today in order to make myself feel better.i don't think many people noticed it...but whatever! S n OO py!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
saw fiona xie today
OH MY GOSH!i've got eye bags!and it sux!i just notice it when i went to took my bath...it is like sooo big! haha....maybe it is not as BIG AS SOME OF MY FRIENDS BUT it is like so ugly lor... hmm...school was alright today...quite good though we have a test ...oh and then we had a maths re-test for those who had failed in thir previous test,and it is like MUCH MORE DIFFICULT THAN THE PREVIOUS ONE!I DIE LIAO LOR...haiz... well then after school went to orchard with madeline.we first changed into our class t-shirt before we left the school.first we went to buy famous amos at wisma atria.then we went to yoshinaya9dunno how to spell to have our lunch then we walked a little then we walked to The Heeren.when i and madeline were like discussing how to walk to there.we were like so stupid...then on the way to The Heeren ,we saw fiona xie.she is like so pretty lor...madeline saw her fist.madeline actua;y wanted to take a picture with her one but she dare not go cause cause people around her...then after that we continues waling to The Heeren and we bougt a shawl and a mecklace for literature thingy.then we also walked a little.after that we walked back and saw fiona xie still at the same area....and i and madeline like keep on looking at her lor...then we saw her walked to paragon there but not inside paragon outside paragon.well,we we walked all the way back to orchard mrt.and we went home.... well,i feel lke writing a short summary of what happened on yesterday...so i decided to write it... yesterday during mother tongue period,we were supposed to have it for the last period though we still got one maths period cause we need to leave early to go to singpore polytechnic....and mr sim(not teaching p.e) made me and the whole class sooo freaking angry!we were like making lots of complaints about him....he sux lor...as if he drive motorbke like soo cool like that... then after that ,we hurried down to had a quick bite ......... when we were on the way to singapore polytechnic,the people sitting at the back,cynthia,ming gui,and others were like singing songs soooo loudly and samantha also sang along with them (she's sitting beside me)then i was like video recording them and samantha is like the main person! talk about singapore polytechnic,it is sooo damn big! when we were having our treasure hunt at there.we liie dunno where is the place....oh ya..forgot to mention who was in my group,marcus,charmaine,chen min,samantha,me,madeline,chun sean and xiang yun.but i think madeline and xiang yun did most of the things la...caus samantha and marcus is always laughing and doind other stuffs.one thing that happened in s'pore poly is that when we were on our way to the library ,i think i and my other group members except madeline,xiang yun and chun sean walked too slow...cause a friendly student of s'pore poly offered to bring us to the library and the rout is like soo long and far! then when we were actually supposed to go upstairs,we went downstairs and we were like looking for madeline they all,then after that i heard madeline's voice from upstairs then i went up and saw chun sean waiting .then i kept on laughing.then chun sean went to call the rest...so funny...haha..you should see what had happened... well,there are many more,but i am too lazy to write,but i think singapore polytechnic is also a good choice for me.so now,i have two choices in my mind,nanyang polytechnic and singapore polytechnic....
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
went to sembawang shopping centre
went to pizza hut at sembawang shopping centre with madeline after school today...and then ate a set lunch for students...a pan pizza ,a bowl of soup and pepsi.then we also ordered side orders,garlic bread and fish thingy...forgot what is the name of the food.
then we talk lor while we were eating and waiting for our pizzas to arrive then talk about lots of thigs,my things,and her things and my FRIEND'S things...hahaz...but can't say it...and pizza hut at sembawang shopping centre is like so quiet....we were actually the only people inside but later more students of other schools cam but stil very little people...so i and madeline planned to come here to eat pizza next time or eat sakae sushi.cause it is like also quite quiet and very little people when we saw the shop. oh ya...and that pui pui keep on calling madeline lor while we were eating.it is like he so disgusting.eat finish le then walked madeline to the bus stop and accompanied her to wair for the bus.then after that i walked home...alll the way home until the hot sun...haha...lucky never saw ANYONE that i know in my primary school...hahaz...then reach home.took a bathe then went online lor... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ today at school,samantha told me that she confirm want to join band....so i have no more words to say....just GOOOD LUCK! cause it will be very very very very very very tiring...and i HOPE THAT SHE WILLL NOT BE IN FLUTE!!!!!cause annette is in flute!alright.samantha is also one of my good friends but annette is more closer to me and we are best friends so SORRY SAMANTHA! so now,i am not going to care about you when in band anymore!(if you are confirmed in becoming a band member)cause you have already asked lots and lots of questions!And i am seriously feeling very irritated! though you want to play the flute,but i really don't want you to be playing and chosen by mr tan to play the flute,cause annette is already very stressed up with her section already...and i dont want her to have more stress... ok...enough about samatha's thing! let me write about today's music lesson.today we learnt how to sing the national day song for this year |