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Saturday, August 06, 2005
saw fiona xie today
OH MY GOSH!i've got eye bags!and it sux!i just notice it when i went to took my bath...it is like sooo big! haha....maybe it is not as BIG AS SOME OF MY FRIENDS BUT it is like so ugly lor... hmm...school was alright today...quite good though we have a test ...oh and then we had a maths re-test for those who had failed in thir previous test,and it is like MUCH MORE DIFFICULT THAN THE PREVIOUS ONE!I DIE LIAO LOR...haiz... well then after school went to orchard with madeline.we first changed into our class t-shirt before we left the school.first we went to buy famous amos at wisma atria.then we went to yoshinaya9dunno how to spell to have our lunch then we walked a little then we walked to The Heeren.when i and madeline were like discussing how to walk to there.we were like so stupid...then on the way to The Heeren ,we saw fiona xie.she is like so pretty lor...madeline saw her fist.madeline actua;y wanted to take a picture with her one but she dare not go cause cause people around her...then after that we continues waling to The Heeren and we bougt a shawl and a mecklace for literature thingy.then we also walked a little.after that we walked back and saw fiona xie still at the same area....and i and madeline like keep on looking at her lor...then we saw her walked to paragon there but not inside paragon outside paragon.well,we we walked all the way back to orchard mrt.and we went home.... well,i feel lke writing a short summary of what happened on yesterday...so i decided to write it... yesterday during mother tongue period,we were supposed to have it for the last period though we still got one maths period cause we need to leave early to go to singpore polytechnic....and mr sim(not teaching p.e) made me and the whole class sooo freaking angry!we were like making lots of complaints about him....he sux lor...as if he drive motorbke like soo cool like that... then after that ,we hurried down to had a quick bite ......... when we were on the way to singapore polytechnic,the people sitting at the back,cynthia,ming gui,and others were like singing songs soooo loudly and samantha also sang along with them (she's sitting beside me)then i was like video recording them and samantha is like the main person! talk about singapore polytechnic,it is sooo damn big! when we were having our treasure hunt at there.we liie dunno where is the place....oh ya..forgot to mention who was in my group,marcus,charmaine,chen min,samantha,me,madeline,chun sean and xiang yun.but i think madeline and xiang yun did most of the things la...caus samantha and marcus is always laughing and doind other stuffs.one thing that happened in s'pore poly is that when we were on our way to the library ,i think i and my other group members except madeline,xiang yun and chun sean walked too slow...cause a friendly student of s'pore poly offered to bring us to the library and the rout is like soo long and far! then when we were actually supposed to go upstairs,we went downstairs and we were like looking for madeline they all,then after that i heard madeline's voice from upstairs then i went up and saw chun sean waiting .then i kept on laughing.then chun sean went to call the rest...so funny...haha..you should see what had happened... well,there are many more,but i am too lazy to write,but i think singapore polytechnic is also a good choice for me.so now,i have two choices in my mind,nanyang polytechnic and singapore polytechnic.... |